Who am I?

Consulting and change has been embedded in my career from the outset.  After qualifying as an accountant (CIMA) I focused on system implementations - initially supporting internal projects across Europe, and then establishing and leading Oracle ERP consulting practices for IBM and Sopra.

I joined CloudPay as the business started its international journey and am proud to have contributed in senior roles to the growth of this innovative organisation through its continuous change.  Most recently holding the position of Director Strategic Initiatives, key achievements in that role include:

  • Establishment and oversight of the process to successfully acquire and integrate a boutique Fintech business into an established organisation;
  • Design and deployment of the governance model and associated assets for a rapidly growing 
    Fintech business unit to meet Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulatory standards;
  • Design and deployment of a framework for the rapid assessment of ideas through concept, 
    design, build, piloting and ultimate release to market, with associated control ‘gateways’ 
    and supporting assets;
  • Design and deployment of assets and processes to enable effective product release planning, 
    by bringing together engineering, sales & marketing, legal, commercial and operational 
  • Support of the design and deployment of go-to-market plans for Earned Wage Access/Pay 
    on Demand, instant payments (pay to card), and other innovative pay solutions.

I have world class experience in global pay and payroll solutions, with extensive exposure to international markets (Europe, Asia and the Americas).  I have had the pleasure and privilege to visit and work in over 30 countries and to work remotely with colleagues, customers and suppliers in many more.

Living on the coast in Hampshire enables me to enjoy the sea, coast, downland, and forests that are within easy reach.

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